Stephan Jaulin: Energy rituals in Le Mag qui fait du Bien!

Interventions by Stephan Jaulin in “The Mag that does good!”

Stephan Jaulin regularly appears in the show “Le mag qui fait du bien” on C8, every Sunday at 9 a.m.

Watch the show from December 19, 2021, “Naturotherapeutic: daily rituals”:

Stephan Jaulin is interviewed at length in this show. He presents in particular some of his “ Energy Rituals ” which you can find in his book:

Book "Energy Rituals" - Stephan Jaulin

book “ Energy Rituals
by Stephan Jaulin & Arouna Lipschitz

Health and beauty secrets for body and soul

See the other programs “The mag that does good” in which Stephan Jaulin appears .