Stephan Jaulin: Color Care in The Good Mag!
Interventions by Stephan Jaulin in “The Mag that does good!”
Stephan Jaulin regularly appears in the show “Le mag qui fait du bien” on C8, every Sunday at 9 a.m.
Watch the broadcast of June 192, 2022, “The test of the 5 doors: The secret of the Tibetan masters”:
Color Care
The benefits :
Realignment of internal, psychic or emotional rhythms.
Use :
Define the color you need and visualize it (once or twice a day).
or use a chromotherapy lamp (10 minutes, once or twice a day).

Other Well-Being recipes: “ Energy Rituals ” book
by Stephan Jaulin & Arouna Lipschitz
Health and beauty secrets for body and soul
See the other programs “The mag that does good” in which Stephan Jaulin appears .